Below is a list of postcodes we are sadly unable to deliver to right now.
This is because our boxes are temperature controlled so we need to make sure they are delivered to you the Next Day.
Scottish Highlands: AB31-AB35, AB41-AB54, AB36-AB38, AB55-AB56, FK17-FK21, HS1-HS9, IV1-IV63, KA27, KA28, KW0-KW14, KW15-KW17, PA20-PA78, PH15-PH18, PH19-PH29, PH32-PH33, PH45-PH48, PH30-PH31, PH34-PH44, PH49-PH50, ZE1-ZE3.
All Ireland Postcodes
We are happy to say there are currently no delivery restrictions due to bad weather. Lets hope it stays that way!
If you are unsure or have any questions please email us using the link below.